Roast Rack of Pork with Trivet Potatoes, Apple and Calvados Sauce and Old-Fashioned Gravy

  • Roast Rack of Pork with Trivet Potatoes, Apple and Calvados Sauce and Old-Fashioned Gravy

Roast Rack of Pork with Trivet Potatoes, Apple and Calvados Sauce and Old-Fashioned Gravy


(Serves 4-8)


1 tbsp olive oil plus extra for greasing tray
1.5kg potatoes*1 (washed)
1.5kg (8 rib) rack of pork with the rind intact*2 190mL (¾ cup) dry white wine
315mL (1¼ cup) chicken stock
1 tbsp Maldon sea salt
1 recipe Apple and Calvados Sauce
1 recipe Old-Fashioned Gravy


· Preheat oven to 200ºC. Brush a non-reactive roasting tray with olive oil. Cut potatoes into 1cm thick slices and place in the base of the tray.


· Score the rind of the pork (make 5mm incisions in the pork rind, ensuring the cuts extend to the base, to allow the rendered fat to run freely into the pan) and place the pork rack on top of the potatoes in the tray (so that the crackling is exposed). Pour the wine and chicken stock over the pork and potatoes.

· Brush the pork rind and exposed flesh with olive oil and rub in the salt, smearing it well into the cuts.

· Roast for 30 minutes on the top shelf of the oven, until the sides of the crackling have started to crisp.

· Reduce heat to 180ºC and cook for a further 1-1¼ hours or until the juices run clear when a skewer is inserted. If the crackling is not sufficiently crisp, give it another 10 minutes on 200ºC. Transfer pork to a clean tray and leave to rest in a warm place for 10 minutes, covered in tin foil. Turn the oven off and leave the potatoes in the oven to keep warm and crisp.

· Serve Roast Pork and Trivet Potatoes accompanied with Apple and Calvados Sauce and Old-Fashioned Gravy.

Note: *1 We recommend Agria potatoes. However, Desiree, Red Rascal or Stroma potatoes would be suitable alternatives.


*2 This allows for 1 rib each. You may wish to serve your guests 2 ribs each, so use 2 racks and proceed with the recipe.