All around the world, Easter Sunday lunch is a special occasion, bringing family and friends together. A big roasted lamb dish is traditional as the centrepiece for a celebratory feast. Springfield’s mature trees will be turning colour to add a striking backdrop to a communal style lunch, with wine. With Mother Nature’s co-operation, lunch will be served outside at long tables. Pass the wine, please.

 Ruth loves nothing more than creating a celebratory feast. With an autumnal flavour, she’s thinking about the last of tomatoes and slow-roasted melt- in-the-mouth lamb. Wines matched to the food, of course, are included. How about mopping up the juices with wood-fired bread? And what about a dessert buffet for a bit of fun; Easter is a celebration after all.

 Just in case this run of golden weather has run out of steam, and lunch outside under the trees won’t work, the verandahs, dining room and warmth of Springfield homestead’s fireplace will welcome guests instead. It’s an ideal place for a special lunch, so gather up a group and share the celebration.


Sunday 5 April 2015

12.30pm – 4.00pm

Price: $120.00 per person


Book here